
Last updated on June 28th, 2022 at 11:34 am

Ranchers have enough risk the way it is.

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Find videos and testimonials of ranchers from across America who have tried Riomax®.  As you will hear from them on the videos; the Riomax® program has made huge impacts on their ranches.  At Riomax®, we are all about making YOUR ranch successful & sustainable, today and tomorrow.  We welcome you to these exclusive videos and look forward to hearing what you think about them.


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"Rio Wishard"

We fed tubs from November through March for two years.  In the summers of 2013 & 2014, we were very dry and had terrible pregnancy rates.  We were selling 70 – 100 females each fall. So, we made a change!

In May of 2015, we switched to the Protector PG™ tub with flax and fed it through September 15.  Although 2015 was just as dry as the previous two years, our pregnancy rate improved 11% on the yearling’s, 18% on the two year old’s and 13% on cows.  You can say the poor breeding cows had already been eliminated, but I’m convinced at least half of the improvement was due to the Riomax® tubs.  The replacement heifers are weaned in November and get free choice salt, good hay and the Riomax® tubs.  They end up eating right away since they have been alongside mom all summer, licking on those biodegradable tubs.  Our pregnancy rates on them with this program while breeding in July and August runs about 7% open and 93% bred.

We have feed Riomax® tubs year-round to the cattle since 2015 and have never had consumption over 1/3 lb per day per head.  Cows are in great shape for winter each fall.  When you compare the Riomax® tubs to others, they have a big sticker price but wait till you see the results.

-Rio Wishard

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"Larry Chamberlain"

I’m one of the unfortunate cattlemen who raise cattle in Wyoming; that’s the area of the Louisiana Purchase that the early immigrants passed through as quickly as possible for more hospitable climate. Some say its God-forsaken.  At one mile above sea level, we experience tough conditions due to cold, too much moisture in the winter then too little moisture during the growing season.  Obviously, this is a tough area to produce calves, but I was born here and this is my heritage going back generations.

We raise black baldy calves from Hereford and Black Angus cattle.  They tend to be hardy, but hardiness alone can’t withstand unrelenting weather. We have built shelters for the calves to take refuge in from birth up to a couple of months old.  Our operation includes irrigated hay fields so we have the calves up and off the hayfield by early April.  We have many years of experience of fighting scours in these young calves, with the loss of too many from “purple gut” (enterotoxemia).

In 2012, we were amazed that the calves weaning weights were as good as we had ever had.  From that year on we have fed Riomax® tubs year-round with predictable results, which also include:

  • General herd health: No cancer eye since 2012!  No periparturient prolapses and very few post-calving prolapses.  No incidence of footrot in the cattle; especially appreciated not having any in the bull battery
  • As we sell weaned calves, we are especially thankful for the impact feeding Riomax® tubs from mid-summer through fall has had on helping to prevent “sudden death” syndrome which strikes black calves especially hard and is largely a result of pneumonia.
  • We have benefited greatly with the Rio tubs. We are stretching our precious hay stock. Without question, the cows are making better use of the hay they are fed due to the stimulation of the enzymes in the gut.  This fall in Wyoming has been a steady stream of wet and cold weather.  Our feedlot where we are backgrounding the weaned calves are in knee-deep of slop. Thank God for His grace, and thank you Rio Nutrition for the great recipe in Riomax® tubs. We have set a record for not having a single calf that needed treatment during the 50 days since weaning!

-Larry Chamberlain

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Tim Voboril

We run a spring and fall herd of our own along with recipients for other ranchers. The ET work we do is mostly frozen, some fresh. We had a group of 129 Registered Angus recipients come in.

We gave them Riomax® in March for 90 days before transferring embryos. Of those 129 cows, 68.2% stuck, most of the embryos were frozen too, some were IVF. These dry cows went straight to stockpiled native grass and Riomax®, that’s it! So our feed costs were virtually nothing and we still got awesome conception rates!

We had a group of 32 head of club calves, they had 71% stick on conventional frozen. This group started Riomax® in March as well. Another group of 12 cows had only been on Riomax® for 30 days and they had 69% stick. We are very happy with these numbers.

We flushed a 10 and 11-year-old cow, they got 13 and 10 embryos from them! We flushed a 13-year-old cow just to see, typically you’re lucky to get one embryo from a cow that old but we got 3 from her! Pretty happy with what Riomax® has helped our customers see, especially with it only being fed to the cows for a few months so far.

-Tim Voboril

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Mark Pratt

We started calving first of March. I've only had one case of scours so far but we had a hurricane wind the other day so I know that's what it's from. Usually have a lot more cases of scours! Some of these iffy calves that I've drug into the barn I just give them a blast of the paste and it's like they're up and runnin' right away! So far I really like this stuff... I can't wait to see how they look in 30 days. Calves are coming healthy this year and we're about 40 head ahead of last year! Lots of twins running around!

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Cris Encinias

Due to drought we weaned and shipped a month early, cows still look really well, all things considered. Even though we shipped early, calf weights were exceptional. Prices were horrible in the market, but we were still able to be at top of the market due to the quality of calves and the use of Rio tubs. Thanks for always checking up with us.

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Montgomery, Louisiana

Y'all just take care of me... I ain't used to that

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Cathlamet, Washington

Preg checking was fun - 104 out of 104 of our 1st calf heifers were bred up ... in a 60-day window ... 100% of them!

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Richfield, Utah

These cattle are looking really good and getting fat out there on the winter range. I'm impressed! Not supposed to do that, but they are, so I can only point to the supplement!

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Lowry City, Missouri

Pastures that usually lasted 7 days are now lasting 14!!! I'm telling you, they're not eating it like they usually do and they're in damn good shape!!

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Keith Jantz

...Only had 1 retained placenta out of my whole big herd of 400 mother cows. In years past, I think it used to be more like 10 or 15!

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Danbury, Iowa

Our cattle are looking the best they ever have!! Neighbor keeps asking what our secret is!

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You've had enough salesmen trying to sell you stuff.

We understand how you feel. Others have felt the same way. Here's what they have found.

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