
Last updated on February 9th, 2022 at 01:33 pm

Jason Valstar

Jason Valstar
Jemstar Farms

Rimbey, AB

Riomax® Customer Since 2018

Herd Details

  • 90 Mother Cows
  • Breed: Majority Simmental, Some Angus
  • Calving Date: February– March
  • Birth Weight: 90 lbs
  • Weaning Date: First part of October
  • Weaning Weight: 640 - 750 lbs

Fast Facts

  • 50 lb increased weaning weights

The Story

This is comparing with the same bulls on the same cows, just a different product. We had all the cows on Riomax® through the winter of 2019-2020. When it came time for pasture turn-out, 30 of them went to the community pasture with their calves. Out there, they are offered a run of the mill loose mineral. The remaining 60 cows stayed at the home pastures where they continued to stay on Riomax® with calves at their side.

We just finished weaning the last of the calves and the calves that got to stay on Riomax® throughout the entire sum-mer were a solid 50-60 lbs heavier than the ones who were only on Riomax® until pasture turn-out. YES, Riomax® shows the best results when used YEAR AROUND – We are seeing the proof!

Last year we had cows that were on community pasture that spent this year at home and the calves this year were 50-60 lbs heavier than last year’s calves too- Riomax® being the difference.

Also, we had one of our Purebred cows that did not have Riomax® in front of her last year, but did this year, the calf was three weeks younger at the time of weaning but weighed 50 lbs heavier than last years calf.

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