
Conception Rates During Drought Trial – Jenner, Alberta

“Preg checked 530 hd and only had 21 not bred! Was expecting 60-80 open. Out of them 440 were heifers we calved this spring and only had 14 hd that were open! Normally we would typically expect on breeding back a group of 440 heifers to come in 10% + open.”

Conception Rates During Drought Trial - Jenner, Alberta

The 530 hd started on tubs in early spring of 2017. Summer grazing conditions were very tough due to almost no rainfall. Consumption
on tubs was below average through the summer, but cattle stayed in good rig considering the grazing conditions they were in. Cows
were brought in and preg checked in early winter. From historical results on the ranch expectations were to have 60-80 hd open but
only ended up shipping a total of 21 including a couple that were culled because of other factors.

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