
Hay Savings & Weight Gain Trial – Kaycee, Wyoming

“We started Rio about a year ago and got 40 pounds extra on our calves, plus we went from feeding 28 lbs down to 23 lbs so we are feeding 5 lbs/hd/day less hay than we did this time last year and it’s been extremely cold.”

Hay Savings & Weight Gain Trial - Kaycee, Wyoming

This field trial showed that a ranch of 500 hd which provides hay for 4 months out of the year went from feeding 28 lbs down to 23 lbs/hd/day so was able to feed 5 lbs/hd/day less than in the previous year, and add an additional 40 pounds to their weaning weights. Taking into account the hay savings and the added pounds of beef production, Riomax impacted the revenue generated by a total of $48,800!

FREE 45-MIN WEBINAR | MARCH 18th: Grass Savings & Boosting Herd PerformanceCLICK TO SAVE YOUR SEAT
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