
Weight Gain on Steers & Heifers Trial- Regina, Saskatchewan

“Calf weights are up 40 lbs/hd now on the Rio program. Steers came in at 723 lbs and heifers were 683 lbs”…Read more below!

Cows were started on the Rio program in 2015. Since then there has been better weight gain on the calves and better condition on the cows.
Runs between 30 – 40 cows and this year has 33 total cows, plus bulls and some replacement heifers. Figures average weight increase since on
Rio is about 40 lbs/calf. Calves this year sold for just over $2/lb so knows it was at least $80/hd that he picked up. $80/hd on 33 calves is a
total of $2,640 extra income from increased calf weights.

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