
Last updated on October 13th, 2022 at 07:36 am

Riomax® Learning Center

Welcome to the Riomax Learning Center, your resource for education on cattle nutrition and ranching profitability!


The Tub That Pays for Itself.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Get the lick tub that your herd needs to thrive… and have it pay itself off! Sound too good to be true? Hear what this Nebraskan rancher has to say…

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how do you know every cow is getting nutrition thumbnail

How do you know every cow is getting nutrition?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Have you invested time and money into a quality mineral program for your cattle herd? Here’s how to esure every single cow is getting the nutrition they need.

June 4, 2020|
Fly Control for Cattle

Fly Control Mineral for Cattle (Targeting Horn Flies)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Horn flies are more than just annoying and pesky. Horn flies are detrimental to the performance of your cattle. Discover how IGR fly control targets and reduces the horn fly population.

June 2, 2020|
Riomax Lick Tub with Salt Block on Top

Do I Need to Feed Another Cattle Mineral Program While on Riomax®?

Reading Time: < 1 minute With a 100% rumen by-pass trace mineral package, learn how one simple program can ensure mineral is absorbed into the bloodstream where it can impact growth & development, reproduction, health, and productivity.

May 29, 2020|
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