Arno Doerksen 2023 Testimonial Blog Thumbnail

Arno Doerksen – Gem, AB

Last updated on July 10th, 2024 at 12:20 pm Can you SAVE CATTLE FEED Without Sacrificing Herd Health? ARNO DOERKSEN – GEM, AB Herd Details 100% forage developed commercial and…

Link for Arno Doerksen – Gem, AB
Ron Betson Testimonial Blog Thumbnail

Ron Betson – Crawford, NE

…were adding up. Ron heard about Riomax® cattle mineral tubs from a neighbor, and after hearing the results he thought, “let’s try it!” But it didn’t come without a cost……

Link for Ron Betson – Crawford, NE
Danny Schwab Testimonial Blog Thumbnail

Danny Schwab – Meyronne, SK

…and having tried different products, there was nothing that compared. “It was night and day difference between them.” “For the long term, we’re great.” he says, “We’re gonna stick with…

Link for Danny Schwab – Meyronne, SK
sara Lemburg

Sara Lemburg – Ewing, Nebraska

…during a drought Weaning weights increased by 72 lbs Better herd health Sara was worried about the grass situation for the coming summer. Her husband started researching things to do…

Link for Sara Lemburg – Ewing, Nebraska
Photo for Xtendr Program

Xtendr Program

…your dealership in multiple directions and labor is not a constraint to your growth. $150/ton Commision ($75 from Riomax, $75 from dealer)       Xtendr dealer would no longer…

Link for Xtendr Program
Trent Uptmore Review

Trent Uptmore – West, TX

…calm & happy! Coming off the worst drought they’d ever seen, Trent was looking for a way to improve his herd health, save hay, and improve the condition of his…

Link for Trent Uptmore – West, TX

Keeping it Natural With Time-Tested Tradition

…Matt Thompson sees it. He’s a fourth-generation rancher in eastern Idaho, running 400 mama cows, plus replacements and bulls, on a commercial cow-calf outfit that his ancestors started in 1910….

Link for Keeping it Natural With Time-Tested Tradition
Tom Perkins Review Blog Thumbnail

Tom Perkins – McIntosh, NM

…11 cents/day/hd “I really think it’s as necessary as grass and water.” That’s how Tom Perkins feels about Riomax®. Coming from New Mexico, where minerals are traditionally sparse, Tom has…

Link for Tom Perkins – McIntosh, NM

Sick of High Hay Prices? Here’s How to Survive.

Reading Time: 4 minutes …“The traditional guy is going to turn out 80 pairs on that 800 acres,” he says, and the calves will come off weighing 550 to 600 pounds. Figuring $1,000 per…

Link for Sick of High Hay Prices? Here’s How to Survive.

The Tub That Pays for Itself – CA

…profit (CAD) $75 ON 400 HEAD But how? Using our 19-component digestion package, Nutrizorb®, we feed the bugs in the rumen, so there’s more of them and they’re more active….

Link for The Tub That Pays for Itself – CA
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