Photo for The Manure Study

The Manure Study

…improving cattle digestive efficiency. With a 19-component digestion package, we’ve been stimulating and feeding the biology, or the bugs in the rumen of a cow. Feed & Hay Savings By…

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Photo for Cattle Stress Tubs

Cattle Stress Tubs

…weaning stress & sickness Promotes licking action & stimulates appetite Complete mineral & protein package More Product Info GRASSFED STRESS TUB Approved by the American Grassfed Association Same foundation as…

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What is Microbial Protein Creative Blog Thumbnail

Microbial Protein 101

Reading Time: 3 minutes …in some situations. how does riomax impact microbial protein? Expand Riomax® uses what’s known as IST, Indirect Supplementation Technology. IST is completely fueled by a complex digestion pack called Nutrizorb®,…

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Tom-Perkins resized

Cattle Protein Supplementation Done Differently

Reading Time: 3 minutes …kinds of protein supplementation? There’s direct-fed protein and then there’s indirect supplementation technology (IST). Both are important but they are different. Direct-fed protein is the most common way to provide…

Link for Cattle Protein Supplementation Done Differently
How does Riomax justify its cost Creative Blog Thumbnail

How Does Riomax® Justify Its Cost?

Reading Time: 2 minutes simply, the tub works with Mother Nature to allow the animal to better utilize her forage. The best part is, the value of those forage savings oftentimes is enough to…

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Riomax 360 logo

How Soon Can I Expect to See a Difference When I Start Using Riomax®?

Reading Time: 4 minutes …things happening. Those internal happenings are foundational: getting mineral in the blood and creating a healthier, more powerful, more efficient digestive mechanism so that you are simply squeezing more out…

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How much hay savings can I expect to see on Riomax Creative Blog Thumbnail

How much hay savings can I expect to see on Riomax®?

Reading Time: 3 minutes …is simply harvested grass. We see the same impact, in terms of extending your range, your grazing days, and putting off your hay date. Can I offset the cost of…

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Can pg360 be used on yearlings Creative Blog Thumbnail

Which Riomax® product can be used on yearlings?

Reading Time: 3 minutes …the war’, which means simply we are stimulating the good bugs in the rumen so they can break down that feed and forage to the best of their ability. In…

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How does Riomax Impact Saliva Production Creative Blog Thumbnail

How does Riomax® impact cattle saliva production?

Reading Time: 2 minutes …less saliva production. It simply means that a softer tub is not going to help as much with digestibility from a saliva standpoint. Saliva plays a vital role in reducing…

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Value add programs and how Riomax fits in Creative Blog Thumbnail

Value Add Programs and How Riomax Fits In.

Reading Time: 2 minutes …a quick answer to these common questions. What Is A Value-Added Program? Quite simply, a value-add program is when you add or take away a specific feature in order to…

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