
Last updated on November 22nd, 2023 at 12:47 pm

your success is our success.

as simple as  1, 2, 3

as simple as 1, 2, 3

1. storing the tubs

Tubs must be stored in a dry location, ideally out of high heat, humidity, and direct sunlight. Do not lay tubs on their sides. Do not stack 250-pound tubs more than two high, 125- pound tubs more than three high, and 60-pound tubs more than six high.

125-pound plastic tub storage
250-pound tub storage
Biobrix storage

2. feeding the tubs

Position tubs where cattle can easily locate them. Set one tub out to every 50 head and monitor intake. Some overconsumption can be expected during the first few weeks as cattle get onto the tubs. Always offer free- choice salt when feeding Riomax® Lick Tubs unless consulted otherwise. If using block salt, set out 2 salt blocks to every 1 tub or approximately 1 block per 25 head. If using loose salt, a minimum of 1 loose salt feeding station per 200 head is recommended. Placing 1 salt block on top of each tub is a good practice to help reduce the potential for initial high consumption of the Riomax® tub.


3. managing consumption

Consumption levels may vary according to the factors listed on the right. Cows will self-regulate on Riomax® tubs between 1/8 - 1/3 lb per head per day. It’s important to know that its never just one factor that affects consumption up or down, it is always a combination of factors that causes variation in consumption. Use these principles as a guide for how to predict and manage your tub consumption so you can achieve the correct consumption.

By design, Riomax® lick tubs absorb moisture from the air, which continually softens the exposed surface of the tub. Normally, the more tubs (surface area) available per cow, the higher the rate of daily intake. If consumption is higher than our recommended intakes, we suggest removing some tubs to reduce the available surface area. Place tubs away from areas where cattle tend to congregate.  Place one or two salt blocks on top of the tubs to decrease the surface area. Ensure there are other sources of salt available to the cattle. Use loose salt when possible.

If consumption is lower than our recommended intakes, we suggest adding additional tubs as needed. Place tubs in loafing area, wind-break area, or where the cattle are fed, rather than just by the water source. Place salt blocks on top of the tubs and remove all other sources of salt. In lush pasture situations, tub consumption is typically lower. To encourage consumption, remove all salt from the pasture, and set the tubs in the congregation areas, around water sources, in shelter areas, etc. Reintroduce salt once consumption has increased.

Always offer free-choice salt when feeding Riomax® Lick Tubs, unless consulted otherwise. If using block salt, set out 2 salt blocks to every 1 tub or approximately 1 block per 25 hd. If using loose salt, provide adequate feeding stations. A recommended amount is a minimum of 1 loose salt feeding station per 200 hd. In the event of high consumption, make sure to offer loose salt. Always ensure fresh, clean water is available.

By design, Riomax® lick tubs absorb moisture from the air, which continually soften the exposed surface of the tub. Normally, the more tubs (surface area) available per cow, the higher the rate of daily intake. If you have groups smaller than 50 hd, it may result in too much licking surface area being available and consumption may go up. Move the tub away from the loafing area if possible and reduce the amount of exposed surface area by placing salt blocks or loose salt on top of the tub as needed.

Consumption Factor Scales

Biodegradeable tubs:

These biodegradable tubs are an excellent choice for large pastures, mountain pastures, forest allotments, etc. Do not use in low/wet areas or areas of confinement that are prone to extremely muddy conditions.

Website Stickers (2)

COSTGUARD90™ Consumption Guarantee

Every Riomax® lick tub comes with the COSTGUARD90™ consumption guarantee. A guaranteed consumption rate gives you complete peace of mind and enables you to forecast your actual input costs.

COSTGUARD90™ is calculated after 90 days of being on the product and in a minimum of 90-day increments ongoing.

If the situation was such that consumption on the lick tubs was higher than the guarantee after 90 days, we will provide you with FREE product to compensate the overconsumption.

It's simple...and the risk is off your shoulders.


6 visual differences ranchers notice using the riomax tubs.

1. manure score improvement

Improved digestion (hay & forage savings) can be seen in the manure consistency. Not stacking up. More like the consistency of pancake batter with a center divot. This means the cow is breaking down and using more of what she’s consuming.

manure pat (6)
manure pat 2 (2)
manure pat 2 (3)
manure pat (7)

2. body condition

Improved body condition with the same forage quality or feed amount.


With Riomax®


Without Riomax®

3. forage savings

More days on a pasture or more forage left when you move.


With Riomax®


Screenshot 2023-08-04 073357

4. haircoat

Cattle slicking off with a smooth and shinier haircoat.


With Riomax®


Without Riomax®

5. feed savings

Not cleaning up all the hay or feed you’re giving them. Then, you can feed less.


Black Angus cattle in a feed lot in the winter


Without Riomax®

6. contentment

Laying down earlier in the day (not grazing as long).


Kurt Luoma's-02


Trent Uptmore Ranch-12


customer care team

Our goal is to provide a customer experience that is a breath of fresh air both to the dealer and to the end-user. The Customer Care Team is available to answer any questions that you may have. Not sure about consumption, formulas, tub placement, etc? We’ve got your back – give us a call. There is always a real, living, breathing person just a phone call away. 888-762-3299

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