
Lance Moats

Last updated on January 16th, 2025 at 08:52 am

Technical Advisor

I am one part of an Awesome Team here at Riomax. I am very passionate about the Beef Industry and love helping dealers and ranchers get the best results possible throughout their business.

I am the Technical Advisor for Rio who works very closely with the dealer network to ensure that they are well taken care of and can deliver the very best info, ideas, and products to the rancher to make sure the rancher gets the best results for their business.

I come from a ranch family in Montana and wouldn’t trade it for the world. I feel what I have learned on the ranch has better prepared me to help bring the best results I can in the Beef Industry. When I am not on the road I am with my Wife and Daughter and our stock dog Gus. I very fortunate to work for a company who cares so much to deliver the best product out there for rancher

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