Last updated on October 10th, 2023 at 11:44 am
We understand the pain that ranchers are going through in a harsh economic climate like we are living in right now. The added noise around us and the negativity that abounds with the COVID-19 crisis is intense.
As a result, we have put together a short 20-minute forum where Beef Science Professor Alfredo DiCostanzo from the University of Minnesota chats with owner and founder of Rio Nutrition, Trevor Greenfield. They discuss ways for ranchers to navigate through these tough times.
Six Ways for Beef Producers to Navigate COVID-19:
- Remaining resilient in tough times
- Being evangelists of positivity and breathing hope to those around you
- Increasing the value of the calves that you will market this fall
- Making decisions today that will impact the bigger picture rather than short term panic-driven decisions
- Spreading the word to the public of ways to keep eating beef through tough times including the option of cheaper cuts
- Heads Up Healthy. HUH. Operation HUH, keeping your head in the right space so that you can stay strong for the sake of your sanity, your family, your community, and the beef industry

Please enjoy this brief 20-minute video and share it with anybody that could use a little boost. We can all use a shot in the arm of positivity to remain calm and resilient through these tough times.
Share with neighbors, friends, people in the cattle industry, people in the city. Spread the word and become an evangelist of hope.
Thank You.