Last updated on March 17th, 2022 at 09:46 am

Chad Sears
Newcastle, WY
Riomax® Customer Since 2012
How did you get started?
We started using Riomax® in the summer of 2012 because of the drought where the grass never greened up. We still had a 92% breed-up.
Fast Facts
- Consumption has never gone over 1/3 lb, averages around 1/3 lb/head/day
- Allowed cows to get out and utilize full pasture
- Eliminated caking and helped cows spread out
- Conception rates have been at 97-98% since being on Riomax® as high as 100% on 1st calf heifers
- Weaning weights consistently gone up from 500-510 to 550-580 lbs
- Eliminated creep feed, weaning weights went up, cows go into winter with much better body score and condition
- Bulls tested great
The Story
In the fall of 2012, Chad got everything preg checked – 92% bred up. He was very impressed with the condition of the cows, despite the condition of the forages! Cost was about 18 cents/day and he was very pleased! Chad said they utilized their forage better and were really spread out…as a result of using the tubs. Thinking on the numbers, they are in the decision-making phase…It’s Rio or cake, and with the cake I don’t get the enzymes. But cake is $440 per ton, fed 3lbs every other day – 33cents/hd/day.
Summer of 2013, Chad shared the sizes of his pastures – one is 3,500, one is 4,500, one is 6,000 acres…and he liked tubs vs. cake for keeping cattle distributed. Fall 2013, 98% on the cows and 97% on the heifers!!!
January 2014 Chad said he said he has lots of tubs out to keep the cows spread out. He said it is way better than cake because they don’t burn that energy coming to the cake truck, and they have it available at all times! February 2014, Bob (Chad’s grandfather) said he thinks it is really working well, the cattle are looking really good; he thought it was high priced but it’s not! Cows are staying spread out with the tubs much better than with just cake and by not having to call the cows in, they are saving their energy! April 2014, Chad said calving has been going really well and the calves are energetic and healthy! Summer 2014, Jean (Chad’s grandmother) mentioned she balked at the first couple bills, but she can see from the way that the cows wintered that it sure is worth it! Fall 2014, Chad had 100% breed up on the heifers (70 heifers bred up 100% in 75 days) and 98.5% bred up on 450 cows; he couldn’t believe it! Calves were 550lb and they usually are about 510lb!
Spring 2015, Chad semen-tested their bulls and the vet was remarked, “Whoa what have you been feeding these bulls?!…the semen is fantastic!” Fall 2015, 600 total head of cows preg tested and only 6 open; 99% breed-up! Chad said the consumption has been consistent for the last 4 years.
Spring 2016, Chad had good, strong calves and the cows are cleaning. Fall 2016, Chad said the calves were 20lbs heavier than the last year, fed no creep and they had no rain all summer.
Fall 2017, Chad is pretty much using Riomax® year-round. His breed up is phenomenal, his calving tightness is good, the health is great. Winter 2017, Chad stated, “Happy to have quit using creep feed, weaning weights have increased, and better utilization of pastures.”
Spring 2019, Chad stated, “Consumption is low, but it has been extremely cold. Still, the calves have been jumping up and taking off. I have had more dries and dead calves this year than we’ve had in a while, but it’s been an extreme winter too”. Fall 2019, territory rep Lance Moats met with Chad. He talked about why he started in back in 2012, and what he’s been able to do since then. He’s had a couple of times where he’s hit 100% on his younger cows breed up and 96-98% on their cows!