Last updated on March 17th, 2022 at 09:45 am

Mike Stark
Baker, MT
Riomax® Customer Since 2016
Herd Details
- 691 Mother Cows
Fast Facts
- Increased conception rates more than paid for the Riomax®
- Hay savings of 30% amounted to an extra $25,912.50 savings
- Steers 62 lbs. heavier, heifers 40 lbs. heavier
- Eliminated 3 lbs. cake/hd/day
- Decreased deathloss
- Increased bull fertility and semen count
- Increased stocking rate
The Story
We started on Riomax® because we were looking for something besides watered down mineral and we needed to find a way to improve the conception rates. We liked the highly concentrated, low consumption design of these tubs.
Year: 2017/2018 Number of Head: 475
Annual Total Cost: $38,000.00
Annual Cost per Head: $80.00
Cost per day per head: 22¢
Added Profit/Savings
Extra Weight Gain: 40 lbs. extra weight gain per calf @ $1.40/lb X 465 head= $26,040.00
Hay Savings: 10 lbs. saved hay/day/head @ $100/ton for 5 months= $35,625.
Increased Conception Rate (More Calves): 7% increase breed up= 33 more calves @ $900/head= $29,700.00
Supplemental Feed Savings: 3 lbs of cake/head/day @ $280.00/ton= $29,925.00
Reduced Replacement Heifer/Cull Cow Cost: $1,600 replacement heifer-$600 cull cow=$1,000 X 33 head retained that no longer need replaced= $33,000.00
Eliminated Pour On: $1,000.00
Eliminated Extra Coccidiosis Prevention: $1.42/head X 250 head= $355.00
Reduce Labor Cost: $5,000.00 (reduced time putting out tubs, mineral, and hay that is now saved)
Reduce Vehicle Maintenance/Fuel Cost: $2,000.00
Total Savings and Extra Income: $162,645.00
Total Savings and Extra Income per head: $342.41
Total Profit/Savings After Riomax® Cost: $124,645.00
Total Profit/Savings After Riomax® Cost per head: $262.41
Year: 2019 Number of Head: 691
Annual Total Cost with Discounts: $27,160.00
Annual Cost per Head: $39.31
Cost per day per head: 11¢
Added Profit/Savings
Extra Weight Gain: Steers – 62 lbs. extra weight @ $1.50/lb X 168 head = $15,624.00, Heifers -40 lbs. extra weight @ $1.35/lb X 187 head= $10,098.00
Total: $25,722.0
Hay Savings: 5 lbs./head/day saved @ $100/ton for 5 months of feeding= $25,912.50″Increased Conception Rate: 6% increase breed up= 42 more calves @ $800/head= $33,600.00
Supplemental Feed Savings: 3 lbs. of cake/day @ $280/ton= $43,533.00
Reduced Replacement Heifer/Cull Cow Cost: $1400 replacement heifer-$600 cull cow=$800 X 42 head retained that no longer need replaced= $33,600.00
Eliminated Pour On: $1,000.00
Eliminated Extra Coccidiosis Prevention: $1.42/head X 250 head= $355.00
Reduce Labor Cost (Estimated): $5,000.00 (reduced time putting out tubs, mineral & hay that is now saved)
Reduce Vehicle Maintenance/Fuel Cost (Estimated): $2,000.00
Total Savings and Extra Income: $170,722.50
Total Savings and Extra Income per head: $247.07
Total Profit/Savings After Riomax® Cost: $143,562.50
Total Profit/Savings After Riomax® Cost per head: $207.76