Last updated on February 9th, 2022 at 01:30 pm

Tim Voboril
Strong City, KS
Riomax® Customer Since 2019
Herd Details
- Club Calves with base of cows being Charolais influence
- Embryos we put in for customers range from An-gus, Simmental, or Club Calf.
- Generally weaned 4.5-6 months old
Fast Facts
- 68% - 71% conception on ET
- Lower feed costs and great conception
- More embryos collected from older cows
The Story
We run a spring and fall herd of our own along with recipients for other ranchers. The ET work we do is mostly frozen, some fresh. We had a group of 129 Registered Angus recipients come in. We gave them Riomax® in March for 90 days before transferring embryos. Of those 129 cows, 68.2% stuck, most of the embryos were frozen too, some were IVF. These dry cows went straight to stockpiled native grass and Riomax®, that’s it! So our feed costs were virtually nothing and we still got awesome conception rates!
We had a group of 32 head of club calves, they had 71% stick on conventional frozen. This group started Riomax® in March as well. Another group of 12 cows had only been on Riomax for 30 days and they had 69% stick. We are very happy with these numbers.
We flushed a 10 and 11-year-old cow, they got 13 and 10 embryos from them! We flushed a 13-year-old cow just to see, typically you’re lucky to get one embryo from a cow that old but we got 3 from her! Pretty happy with what Riomax® has helped our customers see, especially with it only being fed to the cows for a few months so far.