
Last updated on March 9th, 2022 at 10:00 am


Biggest Challenges

Ranchers are facing this summer

Summer is a very important time of year for ranchers; yet as Mother Nature has it, it is one of the most vulnerable times of year for folks in our industry. With drought affecting much of North America, ranchers are trying to get cows bred, build out their weaning weights and survive the ranch through another tough year. And that’s the reason we decided to pull together some experts and offer a free summer webinar to help ranchers like yourself turn this summer, and the challenges it brings, into an opportunity for growth! If we can change management practices and find ways to overcome these challenges we can survive the summer of 2021 and use that adaptation to make your ranch more profitable for years to come!



Poor forage quality & low availability calls for decreased stocking rates and poor doin cows. With hay prices through the roof and little forage on the ranch you’re put between a rock and a hard place because selling off cows is no fun. Furthermore, the decrease in nutrition quality through drought can cause long term impacts to the performance of your herd!

Infographic Drought

Breed up.

Optimizing your breed up can be challenging on a good year, toss a drought in and you’re in a real pinch! With a declining plane of nutrition, your cows are much less likely to be able to repair their reproductive tract and begin cycling before breeding season begins. This can mean poorer breed-ups and ultimately a decrease in your ranch profits.

Infographic Breed Up

Building out weaning weights.

If mama’s nutrition is low that directly affects both the quantity and quality of her milk production. In addition to that, weaning early to reduce mama’s lactational requirements only further reduces your weaning weights.

Infographic Weaning Weights

Whoofters! That’s a lot of hits to the bottom line and tough calls that ranchers across North America are gonna hafta make this summer. Make sure you watch the webinar recording to learn ways to overcome these challenges!

We look forward to seeing you there!

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