
What results can I expect on Riomax®?

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Last updated on October 23rd, 2023 at 04:25 pm

You may be thinking, when I use Riomax®, what results am I going to see?

Riomax® Results

In the first year, you can expect to see the following:

  • 3 to 10% increases in conception rates 
  • Increased weaning weights, from 10 to 40 pounds 
  • 15%-30% increased forage savings and/or carrying capacity
  • A significant decrease in calf health challenges, like scours and respiratory disease. 

Those 4 factors are just the tip of the iceberg. Long-time Riomax® users see the above as well as decreased labor cost, improved fertility, lower input cost, optimized genetic potential, and much more. We like to call them compounding results because the longer you use Riomax®, the more likely you are to see continuously improved results.

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