
Last updated on November 18th, 2024 at 02:51 pm

You need results that pay.

Increase conception rates

Cut forage costs

grow your weaning weights

Improve herd health

Wonderin' what to expect on your ranch?

We've helped 6,000+ ranchers across North America improve their herd's health and profitability.

So, what sort of results can you expect using the tubs?

  • 15-30% hay, feed & forage savings (This also looks like increased carrying capacity or more grazing days on a pasture)
  • 3-10% increase in conception rates
  • 10-40 lb increase in weaning weights
  • Better overall herd health (ex. less calf sickness, foot rot, pinkeye, etc.)

Calculate your Return on Investment!

  • Hay Savings Calculator
  • Cost per Head per Day Calculator
  • Results Value Calculator


  • Conception Rates
  • Tighter Breeding Window
  • AI (Artificial Insemination) Performance
  • ET (Embryo Transfer) Performance
  • Weaning Weights
  • Milk Production
  • Calf Health
  • Stocking Rates
  • Summer Pneumonia
  • Fetal Programming
  • Bull Development
  • Heifer Development
  • Foot Rot
  • Grass Tetany
  • Weaning Stress
  • Forage/Hay Utilization
  • Fall Grazing
  • Body Score
  • Value Add Approved
  • Wintering
  • Third Trimester Health
  • Calving Performance
  • Calf Vigor
  • Scours
  • Scrotal Development
  • Butterfat/Milkfat
  • Soil Health


"Before we started working together we were 10% open on a 60 day breeding....after the first full year we cut it back 5% and have cut it a 0.25% to 0.5% every year after!"
- Eureka, SD

"I have first calf heifers and cows cycling now (February). My cows have never cycled till end of March. I felt lucky to get 1 cycle before I would synchronize them! Now I will get 2 and some 3 cycles before AI."
- La Salle, CO

"I saw it with my own eyes... had my cows on it pre-calving, and had another group not on it... and at calving time, it was a day and night difference in the calves when they hit the ground, I mean, these ones were scratching to get up before they hit the ground, and the other ones just laid there."
– Beulah, ND

"Started about 60 ish days before calving and you couldnt even tell you had calved they cleaned so well. not 3 weeks later they were in heat and breeding. we do embryo work too and we were over 70% on embryos. We're happy with that"
- Adrian, OR

"I know that Nutrizorb® in these tubs is getting me more days on this drought grass. It's cutting back on how soon I'll have to feed hay."
- Driscoll, ND

"This is the worst drought we've ever seen here. We're really putting your tubs to the test here and they’re not over eating on it at all and the cattle look very good for the conditions."
- Fort Peck, MT

"Just under a month into feeding the Riomax® tubs to our cows and they are already leaving hay and grazing out further!"
- Buffalo, WY

"Over the winter I saved 7 pounds of hay per head per day with Riomax, so I was putting 5cents a day in my pocket, after buying Riomax, plus getting my mineral for free."
-Cottonwood, ID

"Got a group of new heifers, been on the tubs for 3 weeks. I'm pretty excited that they went up 2 BCS points in 3 weeks on just grass, your tub and salt!!"
- Chelsea, OK

"I was complimented by everyone this weekend about how good our cattle looked. I said that part of it was good management of grass thanks to Max but I said I think a big part of it is how the cows are being able to utilize there feed so much better with the help of the supplement we are getting from Riomax!"
-Cottonwood, ID

"These tubs have affected the weight of the calves, condition of the cows, and the breed back! Ranchers can’t afford not to feed it!”
– Trail, MN

“Sure like how these tubs worked on the calves coming out of the mountains. Had the calves on the tubs when they were close to home in the spring after calving and then this fall put those tubs in the pens of weaned calves and it took about 10 seconds for the calves to remember what they were! They are licking them steady now and going into feed good!"
– Grand Forks, BC

Are input costs eating your profits? Hold on to your fair share.

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