Last updated on November 23rd, 2022 at 11:42 am
It’s here – the new easy-move lick sled!
You asked; and we listened… we have developed the original lick sled; the RangeRocket®! It’s The Original Lick Sled™. Available exclusively at Rio Nutrition.
Why a RangeRocket®? Use the The Original Lick Sled® for rotational grazing and for grazing management for hard-to-get-to places. The lick sled can be used year-round in a wide variety of applications – range, mountains, sandy terrain. While the RangeRocket is used mostly for range cattle, it is also ideal for sheep and goats due to it’s low-profile design. This all-new lick sled is a drag ‘n drop option and gives you the convenience of no lifting and no wastage.

more key benefits:
call today to learn more about the rangerocket lick sled: 888-848-4765!
Here’s what one rancher from Valentine, NE said:
“The cows are scattered over 1000 acres, I told my boy to move the sleds (Range Rockets™) out to them hills because the cattle weren’t going to them hills, so he did, and yesterday I drove by and sure enough, a bunch of them cows had moved out into them hills…”
And another rancher from Faith, SD said:
“I love these Range Rockets®! I can drag them about 4 miles and I don’t have to pick them up!”
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