
How does Riomax® help to meet protein requirements when grazing cornstalks?

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Last updated on October 24th, 2023 at 04:50 pm

Directly, no.  Riomax® does not have enough direct-fed protein in the tub to meet your cattle’s protein requirements while on cornstalks (but honestly, no protein tub could). That’s okay, though, because Riomax® does protein differently 

How Does Riomax® Meet Protein Requirements?

Riomax® was designed in Minnesota on cornstalks by focusing on IST-Indirect Supplementation Technology® which allows your cattle to unlock hidden nutritional value in your existing forages; in this case cornstalks.   

Our digestion package, Nutrizorb®, feeds and stimulates the production of rumen microbes, which break down the forages more efficiently. A study done at the University of Minnesota showed that Nutrizorb® pulled up to 3% more TDN out of every mouthful.  

Riomax® allows your cows to get more out of what you’ve already got to meet their protein requirements. Click the icon below to learn more!

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