Last updated on December 12th, 2024 at 10:30 am
The cattle tub that pays for itself...
Sounds pretty bold, huh?
Yep, it may be, but we're here to make sure that's exactly what it does on operations all across North America. Listen to these ranchers all across North America explain how Riomax® is the tub that pays for itself on their operations!
How does it pay for itself?
hay savings
Using our 19-component digestion package, Nutrizorb®, we feed the bugs in the rumen, so there’s more of them and they’re more active. Essentially, we’re squeezing more nutrients from every single mouthful. Your cows are satisfied with less feed.
Furthermore, when the bugs die, they become true microbial protein, which is an additional protein source for the cow.
“Over the winter I saved 7lbs of hay per head per day with Riomax®, so I was putting 5¢ a day in my pocket, after buying Riomax®, plus getting my mineral for free.”
- Cottonwood, ID
Using Esqort®, our 100% protected copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium package, we get the key trace minerals to the cow’s bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream the minerals work to improve overall health, immune status and serve to boost reproductive performance.
Additionally, Nutrizorb®, our digestion package, enables your cows get more nutrients, helping ensure they are on an inclining plane of nutrition to ensure they breed.
“I pregged 500 cows and only had 12 open! 2 of those were freemartins, which I knew; so that is only 10 open out of 500!!! We’re usually happy with breed-up in the low 90s, it’s often in the high 80s, but we were blown away with 98% breed-up.”
- Hereford, TX
weaning weights
First off, our impact on reproductive performance is not just getting more cows bred, but also getting cows bred sooner. This means calves on the ground sooner and more days at mama’s side before weaning. At roughly 2 lb per day, this stacks up pretty quick.
Secondly, better digestion for mama means higher milk fat. This has a direct correlation to the daily gain of your calves all summer long.
“Calves came off 30 lb heavier than normal...and I’m contributing a lot of this to the mineral program... steers were 638 coming out of the “Big Hole” [Montana] and normally we’re at 600 lb on the steers... and the buyer said they were the most uniform bunch”
- Alder, MT
Overall Herd Health
A Montana rancher with 475 head dollarized it like this:
- Eliminated Pour On: $1,000
- Eliminated Extra Coccidiosis Prevention: $1.42/HEAD X 250 HEAD= $355
- Reduce Labor Cost: $5,000 (reduced time putting out tubs, mineral, and hay that is now saved)
- Reduce Vehicle Maintenance/Fuel Cost: $2,000
As mentioned earlier, 100% protected key trace minerals means they’re doing their job. Minerals that get into the bloodstream equate to improved immune function for your herd. With proper mineral supplementation, your herd can fight sickness from the inside out.
“Got a group of new heifers, been on the tubs for 3 weeks. I’m pretty excited that they went up 2 BCS points in 3 weeks on just grass, your tub and salt!!”
- Chelsea, OK